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Bultmann, Rudolf

Bultmann, Rudolf
Bultmann was an outstanding scholar in the field of New Testament study. He was born in Germany in 1884 and studied at Tubingen, Berlin and Marburg. During the Nazi domination, he took an active part in the Christian opposition to the regime. After the war he lectured widely in Europe and the United States. This book was first published in Germany in 1926. This English version was prepared for Religion Online by Ted & Winnie Brock. (excellent website at As the book is out of print, we have felt free to reproduce the Brocks' e-text here.

Bultmann attempts an historical presentation of the teachings of Jesus in the thought-world of his own time. Then he offers a summary of the controversial method of Biblical interpretation, by which Bultmann tried to recover the essential meaning behind the mythological concepts of the New Testament.