Chapter 16. That true solace is to be sought in God alone | ||||
1. Whatsoever I am able to desire or to think of for my solace, I look for it not here, but hereafter. For if I alone had all the solaces of this world, and were able to enjoy all its delights, it is certain that they could not endure long. Wherefore, O my soul, you can be fully comforted and perfectly refreshed, only in God, the Comforter of the poor, and the lifter up of the humble. Wait but a little while, my soul, wait for the Divine promise, and you will have abundance of all good things in heaven. If you long too inordinately for the things which are now, you will lose those which are eternal and heavenly. Let temporal things be in the use, eternal things in the desire. You can not be satisfied with any temporal good, for you wast not created for the enjoyment of these. | ||||
2. Although you had all the good things which ever were created, yet could not you be happy and blessed; all your blessedness and your felicity lies in God who created all things; not such felicity as seems good to the foolish lover of the world, but such as Christ's good and faithful servants wait for, and as the spiritual and pure in heart sometimes taste, whose conversation is in heaven. All human solace is empty and short-lived; blessed and true is that solace which is felt inwardly, springing from the truth. The godly man everywhere bears about with him his own Comforter, Jesus, and says to Him: "Be with me, Lord Jesus, always and everywhere. Let it be my comfort to be able to give up cheerfully all human comfort. And if Your consolation fail me, let Your will and righteous approval be always with me for the highest comfort. For You will not always be chiding, neither keepest You Your anger for ever." | ||||
Philippians iii. 20. Psalm cii. 9. | ||||
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