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25. "I wish well that you would see my blessed Mother...."

"Will you see in her how you are loved?"

AND with this same cheer of mirth and joy our good Lord looked down on the right side and brought to my mind where our Lady stood in the time of His

Passion; and said: Will you see her? And in this sweet word [it was] as if He had said: I wish well that you would see my blessed Mother: for, after myself, she is the highest joy that I might show you, and most pleasance and worship to me; and most she is desired to be seen of my blessed creatures. And for the high, marvellous, singular love that He has to this sweet Maiden, His blessed Mother, our Lady Saint Mary, He showed her highly rejoicing, as by the meaning of these sweet words; as if He said: Will you see how I love her, that you mightest joy with me in the love that I have in her and she in me?

And also (to more understanding this sweet word) our Lord speaks to all mankind that shall be saved, as it were all to one person, as if He said: Will you see in her how you are loved? For your love I made her so high, so noble and so worthy; and this pleases me, and so will I that it does you.

For after Himself she is the most blissful sight.

But hereof am I not learned to long to see her bodily presence while I am here, but the virtues of her blessed soul: her truth, her wisdom, her charity; whereby I may learn to know myself and reverently dread my God. And when our good Lord had showed this and said this word: Will you see her? I answered and said: Yea, good Lord, I thank You; yea, good Lord, if it be Your will. Oftentimes I prayed this, and I thought to have seen her in bodily presence, but I saw her not so. And Jesus in that word showed me ghostly sight of her: right as I had seen her before little and simple, so He showed her then high and noble and glorious, and pleasing to Him above all creatures.

And He wills that it be known; that [so] all those that please them in Him should please them in her, and in the pleasance that He has in her and she in Him. And, to more understanding, He showed this example: As if a man love a creature singularly, above all creatures, he wills to make all creatures to love and to have pleasance in that creature that he loves so greatly. And in this word that Jesus said: Will you see her? I thought it was the most pleasing word that He might have given me of her, with that ghostly Showing that He gave me of her. For our Lord showed me nothing in special but our Lady Saint Mary; and her He showed three times. The first was as she was with Child; the second was as she was in her sorrows under the Cross; the third is as she is now in pleasing, worship, and joy.