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78. "Though lifted up into contemplation, we need o have knowledge and sight of our sin and our feebleness"

OUR Lord of His mercy shows us our sin and our feebleness by the sweet gracious light of Himself; for our sin is so vile and so horrible that He of His courtesy will not show it to us but by the light of His grace and mercy. Of four things therefore it is His will that we have knowing: the first is, that He is our Ground from whom we have all our life and our being. The second is, that He keeps us mightily and mercifully in the time that we are in our sin and among all our enemies, that are full fell upon us; and so much we are in the more peril for [that] we give them occasion thereto, and know not our own need. The third is, how courteously He keeps us, and makes us to know that we go amiss. The fourth is, how steadfastly He abides us and changes no regard: for He wills that we be turned [again], and united to Him in love as He is to us.

And thus by this gracious knowing we may see our sin profitably without despair. For truly we need to see it, and by the sight we shall be made ashamed of our self and brought down as regarding our pride and presumption; for it behoves us truly to see that of ourselves we are truly nothing but sin and wretchedness. And thus by the sight of the less that our Lord shows us, the more is reckoned which we see not. For He of His courtesy measures the sight to us; for it is so vile and so horrible that we should not endure to see it as it is. And by this meek knowing after this manner, through contrition and grace we shall be broken from all that is not our Lord. And then shall our blessed Saviour perfectly heal us, and one us to Him.

This breaking and this healing our Lord means for the general Man. For he that is highest and nearest with God, he may see himself sinful and needs to with me; and I that am the least and lowest that shall be saved, I may be comforted with him that is highest: so has our Lord united us in charity; [as] where He showed me that I should sin.

And for joy that I had in beholding of Him I attended not readily to that Showing, and our courteous Lord stopped there and would not further teach me till that He gave me grace and will to attend. And hereby was I learned that though we be highly lifted up into contemplation by the special gift of our Lord, yet it is needful to us therewith to have knowing and sight of our sin and our feebleness. For without this knowing we may not have true meekness, and without this [meekness] we may not be saved.

And afterward, also, I saw that we may not have this knowing from our self; nor from none of all our spiritual enemies: for they will us not so great good. For if it were by their will, we should not see it until our ending day. Then be we greatly beholden to God for that He will Himself, for love, show it to us in time of mercy and grace.