4. Literature on the Swiss Reformation. | ||||
Compare the literature on the Reformation in general, vol. VI. 89-93, and the German Reformation, pp. 94-97. The literature on the Reformation in French Switzerland will be given in a later chapter (pp. 223 sqq.). | ||||
The largest collection of the Reformation literature of German Switzerland is in the Stadtbibliothek (in the Wasserkirche) and in the Cantonalbibliothek of Z rich. The former includes the 200 vols. of the valuable MSS. collection of Simler (d. 1788), and the Thesaurus Hottingerianus. I examined these libraries in August, 1886, with the kind aid of Profs. O. F. Fritsche, Alex. Schweizer, Georg von Wyss, and Dr. Escher, and again in July, 1890. | ||||
For lists of books on Swiss history in general consult the following works: Gottlieb Emanuel von Haller: Bibliothek der Schweizer-Geschichte und aller Theile, so dahin Bezug haben (Bern, 1785-'88, 7 vols.); with the continuations of Gerold Meyer Von Knonau (from 1840-'45, Zuer., 1850) and Ludwig Von Sinner (from 1786-1861, Bern and Z rich, 1851). The Catalog der Stadtbibliothek in Z rich (Z rich, 1864-'67, 4 Bde, much enlarged in the written catalogues). E. Fr. von Muelinen: Prodromus einer Schweizer. Historiographie (Bern, 1874). The author promises a complete Lexicon of Swiss chroniclers, etc., annalists and historians in about 4 vols. | ||||
I. Sources: The works Of Zwingli, Oecolampadius, Leo Judae, Bullinger, Watt (Vadianus), and other Reformers of the Swiss cantons. | ||||
Herminjard: Correspondance des Reformateurs. Geneve, 1866-'86. 7 vols. | ||||
Bullinger (Heinrich, Zwingli's successor, d. 1575): Reformationsgeschichte, nach den Autographen herausgeg. von J. J. Hottinger und H. H. Voegeli. Frauenfeld, 1838-'40, 3 vols. 8 . From 1519 to 1532. In the Swiss-German dialect. | ||||
Kessler (Johannes, Reformer of St. Gallen): Sabbata. Chronik der Jahre 1523-'39. Ed. by E. Goetzinger. St. Gallen, 1866-'68. 2 parts. Kessler was the student whom Luther met at Jena on his return to Wittenberg (see vol. VI. 385). | ||||
Simler (Joh. Jac.): Sammlung alter und neuer Urkunden zur Beleuchtung der Kirchengeschichte, vornehmlich des Schweizerlandes. Z rich, 1757-'63. 2 Bde in 6 Theilen. 8 . Also the first 30 vols. of his above-mentioned collection of MSS., which includes many printed pamphlets and documents. | ||||
Die Eidgenoessischen Abschiede. Bd. III. Abth. 2: Abschiede von 1500-'20, bearbeitet von Segesser (Luzern, 1869); Bd. IV. I a: a.d. 1521-'28, bearbeitet von Strickler (Brugg, 1873); Bd. IV. 1 b: a.d. 1529-'32 (Z rich, 1876); Bd. IV. 1 c: a.d. 1533-'40, bearbeitet von Deschwanden (Luzern, 1878); Bd. IV. 1 d: a.d. 1541-'48, bearbeitet von Deschwanden (Luzern, 1882). The publication of these official acts of the Swiss Diet was begun at the expense of the Confederacy, a.d. 1839, and embraces the period from 1245 to 1848. | ||||
Strickler (Joh.): Actensammlung zur Schweizerischen Reformationsgeschichte in den Jahren 1521-'32. Z rich, 1878-'84. 5 vols. 8 . Mostly in Swiss-German, partly in Latin. The fifth vol. contains Addenda, Registers, and a list of books on the history of the Reformation to 1533. | ||||
Egli (Emil): Actensammlung zur Geschichte der Zuercher Reformation von 1519-'33. Z rich, 1879. (Pages vii. and 947.) | ||||
Stuerler (M. v.): Urkunden der Bernischen Kirchenreform. Bern, 1862. Goes only to 1528. | ||||
On the Roman Catholic side: Archiv fuer die Schweizer. Reformations-Geschichte, herausgeg. auf Veranstaltung des Schweizer. Piusvereins. Solothurn, 1868'-76. 3 large vols. This includes in vol. I. the Chronik der Schweizerischen Reformation (till 1534), by Hans Salat of Luzern (d. after 1543), a historian and poet, whose life and writings were edited by Baechtold, Basel, 1876. Vol. II. contains the papal addresses to the Swiss Diet, etc. Vol. III. 7-82 gives a very full bibliography bearing upon the Reformation and the history of the Swiss Cantons down to 1871. This work is overlooked by most Protestant historians. Bullinger wrote against Salat a book entitled Salz zum Salat. | ||||
II. Later Historical Works: | ||||
Hottinger (Joh. Heinrich, an eminent Orientalist, 1620-'67): Historia Ecclesiasticae Novi Test. Tiguri [Turici], 1651-'67. 9 vols. 8 . The last four volumes of this very learned but very tedious work treat of the Reformation. The seventh volume has a chapter of nearly 600 pages (24-618) de Indulgentiis in specie! | ||||
Hottinger (Joh. Jacob, 1652-1735, third son of the former): Helvetische Kirchengeschichten, etc. Zuer., 1698-1729. 4 vols. 4 . Newly ed. by Wirz and Kirchhofer. See below. | ||||
Miscellanea Tigurina edita, inedita, vetera, nova, theologica, historica, etc., ed. by J. J. Ulrich. Zuer., 1722-'24. 3 vols. 8 . They contain small biographies of Swiss Reformers and important documents of Bullinger, Leo Judae, Breitinger, Simler, etc. | ||||
Fuesslin (or Fuessli, Joh. Conr. F., 1704-1775): Beitraege zur Erlaeuterung der Kirchenreformationsgeschichten des Schweizerlands. Zuer., 1740-'53. 5 vols. 8 . Contains important original documents and letters. | ||||
Ruchat (Abrah., 1680-1750): Histoire de la Reformation de la Suisse, 1516-1556. Geneve, 1727, '28. 6 vols. 8 . New edition with Appendixes by L. Vulliemin. Paris and Lausanne, 1835-'38. 7 vols. 8 . Chiefly important for the French cantons. An English abridgment of the first four vols. in one vol. by J. Collinson (Canon of Durham), London, 1845, goes to the end of a.d. 1536. | ||||
Wirz (Ludw.) and Kirchhofer (Melch.): Helvet. Kirchengeschichte. Aus Joh. Jac. Hottinger's aeterem Werke und and eren Quellen neu bearbeitet. Z rich, 1808-'19. 5 vols. The modern history is contained in vols. IV. and V. The fifth vol. is by Kirchhofer. | ||||
Merle D'Aubigne (professor of Church history at Geneva, d. 1872): Histoire de la Reformation du 16 Si cle. Paris, 1838 sqq. Histoire de la Reformation au temps du Calvin. Paris, 1863-'78. Both works were translated and published in England and America, in various editions. | ||||
Trechsel (Friedr., 1805-1885): Beitraege zur Geschichte der Schweiz. Reformirten Kirche, zunaechst derjenigen des Cantons Bern. Bern, 1841, '42, 4 Hefte. | ||||
Gieseler (d. 1854): Ch. History. Germ. ed. III. A. 128 sqq.; 277 sqq. Am. ed. vol. IV. 75-99, 209-217. His account is very valuable for the extracts from the sources. | ||||
Baur (d. at Tuebingen, 1860): Kirchengeschichte. Bd. IV. 80-96. Posthumous, Tuebingen, 1863. | ||||
Hagenbach (Karl Rud., professor of Church history at Basel, d. 1874): Geschichte der Reformation, 1517-1555. Leipzig, 1834, 4th ed. 1870 (vol. III. of his general Kirchengeschichte). Fifth ed., with a literary and critical appendix, by Dr. F. Nippold, Leipzig, 1887. English translation by Miss E. Moore, Edinburgh and New York, 1878, '79, 2 vols. | ||||
Chastel (Etienne, professor of Church history in the University of Geneva, d. 1885):Histoire du Christianisme, Tom. IV.: Age Moderne (p. 66 sqq.). Paris, 1882. | ||||
Berner Beitraege zur Geschichte der Schweizerischen Reformationskirchen. Von Billeter, Flueckiger, Hubler, Kasser, Marthaler, Strasser. Mit weiteren Beitraegen vermehrt und herausgegeben von Fr. Nippold. Bern, 1884. (Pages 454.) | ||||
On the Confessions of the Swiss Reformation see Schaff: Creeds of Christendom, New York, 4th ed. 1884, vol. I. 354 sqq. | ||||
Biographies of Zwingli, Oecolampadius, Leo Judae, Bullinger, Haller, etc., will be noticed in the appropriate sections. | ||||
III. General Histories Of Switzerland. | ||||
Mueller (Joh. von, the classical historian of Switzerland, d. 1809): Geschichte der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, fortgesetzt von Glutz-Blotzheim (d. 1818) und Joh. Jac. Hottinger. Vols. V. and VII. of the whole work. A masterpiece of genius and learning, but superseded in its earlier part, where he follows Tschudi, and accepts the legendary tales of Tell and Gruetli. The Reformation history is by Hottinger ( b. 1783, d. 1860), and was published also under the title Gesch. der Eidgenossen waehrend der Zeit der Kirchentrennung. Z rich, 1825 and '29, 2 vols It was continued by Vulliemin in his Histoire de la confederation suisse dans les XVIIe et XVIIe siEcles. Paris and Lausanne, 1841 and '42. 3 vols. The first of these three volumes relates to the Reformation in French Switzerland, which was omitted in the German work of Hottinger, but was afterwards translated into German by others, and incorporated into the German edition (Z rich, 1786-1853, 15 vols.; the Reformation period in vols. VI.-X.). There is also a complete French edition of the entire History of Switzerland by Joh. von Muller, Glutz-Blotzheim, Hottinger, Vulliemin, and Monnard (Paris et Geneve, 1837-'51, 18 vols. Three vols. from Vulliemin, five from Monnard, and the rest translated). | ||||
Other general Histories of Switzerland by Zschokke (1822, 8th ed. 1849; Engl. transl. by Shaw, 1848, new ed. 1875), Meyer von Knonau (2 vols.), Voegelin (6 Vols.), Morin, Zellweger, Vulliemin (German ed. 1882), Daendliker (Z rich, 1883 sqq., 3 vols., illustr.), Mrs. Hug and Rich. Stead (London, 1890), and Dierauer (Gotha, 1887 sqq.; second vol., 1892). | ||||
Bluntschli (J. C., a native of Z rich, professor of jurisprudence and international law at Heidelberg, d. 1881): Geschichte des Schweizerischen Bundesrechts von den ersten ewigen Buenden his auf die Gegenwart. Stuttgart, 2d ed. 1875. 2 vols. Important for the relation of Church and State in the period of the Reformation (vol. I. 292 sqq.). L. R. von Salis: Schweizerisches Bundesrecht seit dem 29. Mai 1874. Bern, 1892. 3 vols. (also in French and Italian). | ||||
E. Egli: Kirchengeschichte der Schweiz bis auf Karl d. Gr. Z rich, 1892. | ||||
Comp. Rud. Staehelin on the literature of the Swiss Reformation, from 1875-1882, in Brieger's Zeitschrift fuer Kirchengeschichte, vols. III. and VI. | ||||