Chronological Table
Year Events | ||||
570. Birth of Mohammed, at Mecca. | ||||
610. Mohammed received the visions of Gabriel and began his career as a prophet. (Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons). | ||||
622. The Hegira, or the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina. Beginning of the Mohammedan era. | ||||
632. (June 8) Death of Mohammed at Medina. | ||||
632. Abu Bekr, first Caliph or successor of Mohammed | ||||
636. Capture of Jerusalem by the Caliph Omar. | ||||
640. Capture of Alexandria by Omar. | ||||
711. Tharyk crosses the Straits from Africa to Europe, and calls the mountain Jebel Tharyk (Gibraltar). | ||||
732. Battle of Poitiers and Tours; Abd-er-Rahman defeated by Charles Martel; Western Europe saved from Moslem conquest. | ||||
786-809. Haroun al RashId, Caliph of Bagdad. Golden era of Islam. Correspondence with Charlemagne). | ||||
1063. Allp Arslan, Seljukian Turkish prince. | ||||
1096. The First Crusade. Capture of Jerusalem by Godfrey of Bouillon. | ||||
1187. Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and scourge of the Crusaders, conquers at Tiberias and takes Jerusalem, (1187); is defeated by Richard Coeur de Lion at Askelon, and dies 1193. Decline of the Crusades. | ||||
1288-1326. Reign of Othman, founder of the Ottoman (Turkish) dynasty. | ||||
1453. Capture of Constantinople by Mohammed II., the Conqueror, and founder of the greatness of Turkey. (Exodus of Greek scholars to Southern Europe; the Greek Testament brought to the West; the revival of letters.) | ||||
1492. July 2. Boabdil (or Alien Abdallah) defeated by Ferdinand at Granada; end of Moslem rule in Spain. (Discovery of' America by Columbus). | ||||
1517. Ottoman Sultan Selim I. conquers Egypt, wrests the caliphate from the Arab line of the Koreish through Motawekkel Billah, and transfers it to the Ottoman Sultans; Ottoman caliphate never acknowledged by Persian or Moorish Moslems. (The Reformation.) | ||||
1521-1566. Solyman II., the Magnificent, marks the zenith of the military power of the Turks; takes Belgrade (1521), defeats the Hungarians (1526), but is repulsed from Vienna (1529 and 1532). | ||||
1571. Defeat of Selim II. at the naval battle of Lepanto by the Christian powers under Don John of Austria. Beginning of the decline of the Turkish power. | ||||
1683. Final repulse of the Turks at the gates of Vienna by John Sobieski, king of Poland, 2Sept. 12; Eastern Europe saved from Moslem rule. | ||||
1792. Peace at Jassy in Moldavia, which made the Dniester the frontier between Russia and Turkey. | ||||
1827. Annihilation of the Turko-Egyptian fleet by, the combined squadrons of England, France, and Russia, in the battle of Navarino, October 20. Treaty of Adrianople, 1829. Independence of the kingdom of Greece, 1832. | ||||
1856. End of Crimean War; Turkey saved by England and France aiding the Sultan against the aggression of Russia; Treaty of Paris; European agreement not to interfere in the domestic affairs of Turkey. | ||||
1878. Defeat of the Turks by Russia; but checked by the interference of England under the lead of Lord Beaconsfield. Congress of the European powers, and Treaty of Berlin; independence of Bulgaria secured; Anglo-Turkish Treaty; England occupies Cyprus agrees to defend the frontier of Asiatic Turkey against Russia, on condition that the Sultan execute fundamental reforms in Asiatic Turkey. | ||||
1880. Supplementary Conference at Berlin. Rectification and enlargement of the boundary of Montenegro and Greece. | ||||