3. Sources and Literature on Chapters I. and II. | ||||
See the general literature on the papacy in vol. IV. 202 sqq.; and the list of mediaeval popes, 205 sqq. | ||||
I. Sources For The Whole Period from 1049 to 1085: - | ||||
Migne: Patrol. Lat., vols. 140-148. Damiani Epistolae, in Migne, vol. 144. Bonizo or Bonitho (Bishop of Sutri, 1091; prisoner of Henry IV., 1082; a great admirer of Gregory VII.): Liber ad amicum, sive de persecutione ecclesiae (in Jaffe's Monum. Gregor., p. 628 sqq., where he is charged with falsehood; but see Giesebrecht and Hefele, IV. 707). Phil. Jaffe (d. 1870): Regesta Pontif. Rom., pp. 366-443, 2d ed. I. 629-649. Jaffe: Monumenta Gregoriana (see below). K. Francke: Libelli de lite imperatorum et Pontificum Saeculi XI. et XII. conscripti, 3 vols. Hannov. 1891-1897, contains the tractarian lit. of the Hildebrandian age. On other sources, see Wattenbach: Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter, II. 220 sqq. and Mirbt: Publizistik, 6-95. | ||||
II. Works on the Whole Period from 1049 to 1085: - | ||||
Hoefler: Deutsche Paepste, Regensb., 1839 sqq., 3 vols. C. Will: Anfaenge der Restauration der Kirche im 11ten, Jahrh., Marburg, 1859-1862, 2 parts. Ths. Greenwood: Cathedra Petri, books X. and XI. London, 1861. Giesebrecht: Gesch. der deutschen Kaizerzeit, vols. II. and III. (Braunschweig, 5th ed. 1881). Rud. Baxmann: Die Politik der Paepste von Gregor I. bis auf Gregor VII., Elberfeld, 1868, 1869. 2 vols. vol. II. 186-434. Wattenbach: Geschichte des roem. Papstthums, Berlin, 1876 (pp. 97-136). Gregorovius: Hist. of the City Of Rome. Hefele: Conciliengeschichte, IV. 716-900, and V. 1-185. L. v. Ranke: Weltgeschichte, vol. VII. Bryce: Holy Roman Empire. Freeman: Hist. of Norman Conq. of England, vol. IV. Oxford, 1871, and Hist. of Sicily. F. Neukirch: Das Leben des Petrus Damiani bis 1059, Goett., 1875. J. Langen: Geschichte der roem. Kirche von Gregor VII. bis Innocent III., Bonn, 1893. Hauck: Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands, vols. III. IV. W. F. Barry: The Papal Monarchy from 590-1303, N. Y. 1902. | ||||
III. Special Sources and Works on Hildebrand: - | ||||
His letters (359), the so-called Registrum, in Migne, vol. 148, Mansi, XX. 60-391, and best in Jaffe, Monumenta Gregoriana, Berol., 1865, 712 pp. (in Bibliotheca Rerum Germanicarum, vol. II.). The first critical edition. Jaffe gives the Registrum in eight books, with fifty-one additional letters collected from MSS., and Bonithonis episcopi Sutrini ad amicum. Gregory's biographies by Cardinal Petrus of Pisa, Bernried, Amalric, Lambert, etc., in Muratori: Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, vol. III.; and Watterich: Pontif. Boni. Vitae, Lips., 1862, I. 293 sqq.; Acta Sanct. Maii, die 25, VI. 102-159. | ||||
Modern works: Joh. Voigt (Prof. of Hist. in Koenigsberg, d. 1863): Hildebrand als Papst Gregorius VII. und sein Zeitalter, 1815, 2d ed. Weimar, 1846, pp. 625. The first attempt at an impartial estimate of Gregory from the Protestant historical standpoint. The first edition was translated into French and Italian, and gave rise to a remarkable Latin correspondence with Clemens Villecourt, bishop of La Rochelle, which is printed in the preface to the second edition. The bishop tried to convert Voigt to the Catholic Church, but in vain. Sir Roger Greisly: The Life and Pontificate of Gregory VII., London, 1832, pp. 372. Impartial, but unimportant. J. W. Bowden: The Life and Pontificate of Gregory VII. London, 1840, 2 Vols. pp. 374 and 411. Ard. Newman: Hist. Essays, II. 249-336. Sir James Stephen: Hildebrand, in Essays on Ecclesiastical Biography, 1849, 4th ed. London, 1860, pp. 1-58. He calls Hildebrand the very impersonation of papal arrogance and of spiritual despotism. Soeltl: Gregor VII., Leipzig, 1847. Floto: Kaiser Heinrich IV. und sein Zeitalter. Stuttg., 1865, 1856, 2 vols. Sides with Henry IV. Helfenstein: Gregor VII. Bestrebungen nach den Streitschriften seiner Zeit., Frankfurt, 1856. A. F. Gfroerer (first a rationalist, then a convert to 'Rome, 1853; d. 1861): Papst Greg. VII. und sein Zeitalter. 7 vols. Schaffhausen, 1859-1861. Giesebrecht: l.c., vol. III. A. F. Villemain: Hist. de Gregoire VII. 2 vols. Paris, 1873. Engl. trans. by J. B. Brockley, 2 vols. London, 1874. S. Baring-Gould, in The Lives of the Saints for May 25, London, 1873. W. Martens: Die Besetzung des paepstlichen Stuhls unter den Kaisern Heinrich III und Heinrich IV. 1887; *Gregor VII., sein Leben und Wirken, 2 vols. Leipzig, 1894. W. R. W. Stephens: Hildebrand and his Times, London, 1888. O. Delarc: S. Gregoire VII. et la reforme de l' glise au XI. Si cle, 3 vols. Paris, 1889. C. Mirbt (Prof. in Marburg): Die Stellung Augustins in der Publizistik des Gregorianischen Kirchenstreits, Leipzig, 1888. Shows the influence of St. Augustine on both parties in the Gregorian controversy over the relation of Church and State; Die Wahl Gregors VII., Marburg, 1892; *Die Publizistik im Zeitalter Gregors VII., Leipzig, 1894, pp. 629. An exhaustive treatment of the copious tractarian Lit. of the Hildebrandian age and its attitude on the various objects of Gregory's policy; art. Gregor VII., in Herzog, VII. 96-113. Marvin R. Vincent: The Age of Hildebrand, N. Y. 1896. Also J. Greving: Paul von Bernried's Vita Gregorii VII., Berlin, 1893, pp. 172. | ||||