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35. Literature.

Sources: Innocentii III. Opp. omnia, in Migne, 4 vols. 214-217; three vols. contain Innocent's official letters; a 4th, his sermons, the de contemptu mundi, and other works. S. Baluzius: Epistolarum Inn. III. libri undecim, 2 vols. Paris, 1682. Boehmer: Regesta imperii 1198-1254, new ed. by J. Ficker, Innsbruck, 1881. Potthast: Regesta, pp. 1-467, 2041-2056 Gesta Innoc. III. auctore anonymo sed coaevo (a contemporary Life, about 1220), in Migne, 214, pp. xvii-ccxxviii, and Baluzius. Mansi, XXII. Mirbt: Quellen, 125-136, gives some of the characteristic passages. For the older edd. of Inn.'s letters and other works, see Potthast, Bibliotheca med. aevi, I. 520, 650.

Modern Works: Friedrich von Hurter (1787-1886): Geschichte Papst Innocenz des Dritten und seiner Zeitgenossen, 2 vols. Hamburg, 1833-1835; 3d ed. 4 vols. 1841-1844 (trans. into French and Italian). The last two volumes are devoted to the monastic orders and the Eccles. and social conditions of the thirteenth century. An exhaustive work full of enthusiastic admiration for Innocent and his age. Hurter wrote it while antistes or pastor of the Reformed Church in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, and was led by his studies to enter, with his family, the Roman Catholic communion in 1844 and became imperial counsellor and historiographer of Austria. Gfroerer, likewise a Protestant, dazzled by the splendor of the Gregorian papacy in the preparation of his Life of Gregory VII., was also led to join the Roman communion. Jorry: Hist. du pape Inn. III.; Paris, 1853. F. F. Reinlein: Papst Inn. III. und seine Schrift de contemptu mundi, Erlangen, 1871; also Inn. III nach s. Beziehung zur Unfehlbarkeitsfrage, Erlangen, 1872. H. Elkan: Die Gesta Inn. III. im Verhaetniss zu d. Regesten desselben Papstes, Heidelberg, 1876. Fr. Deutsch: Papst Inn. III. und s. Einfluss auf d. Kirche, Bresl., 1876. Leop. Delisle: Memoire sur les actes d'Inn. III, suivi de l'itineraire de ce pontife, Paris, 1877. J. N. Brischar, Roman Catholic: Papst Inn. III. und s. Zeit, Freib. im Br. 1883. J. Langen: Gesch. d. roem. Kirche von Gregor. VII. bis Inn. III., Bonn, 1893; also Hefele-Knoepfler, vol. V. the Works on the Hohenstaufen and the Crusades. Ranke: Weltgesch., VIII. 274 sqq. the Histories of Rome by Reumont, Bryce, and Gregorovius, Hauck: Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands, IV. 658-745. T. F. Tout: The Empire and the Papacy, 918-1272, N. Y. 1898. H. Fisher: The Med. Empire, 2 vols. London, 1898. For fuller lit., see Chevalier; Repertoire, pp. 1114 sq. and Suppl. 2659, and art. Inn. III., by Zoepffel-Mirbt, in Herzog, IX. 112-122.