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12. Sources and Literature.

For The Papal Schism. Orig. documents in Raynaldus: Annal. Eccles. C. E. Bulaeus, d. 1678: Hist. univer. Parisiensis, 6 vols., Paris, 1665-1673, vol. IV. Van der Hardt, see 15. H. Denifle and A. Chatelain: Chartul. universitatis Paris., 4 vols., Paris, 1889-1897, vols. III., IV., especially the part headed de schismate, III. 552-639. Theoderich of Nieheim (Niem): de Schismate inter papas et antipapas, Basel, 1566, ed. by Geo. Erler, Leipzig, 1890. Nieheim, b. near Paderborn, d. 1417, had exceptional opportunities for observing the progress of events. He was papal secretary notarius sacri palatii at Avignon, went with Gregory XI. to Rome, was there at the breaking out of the schism, and held official positions under three of the popes of the Roman line. In 1408 he joined the Livorno cardinals, and supported Alexander V. and John XXIII. See H. V. Sauerland: D. Leben d. Dietrich von Nieheim nebst einer Uebersicht ueber dessen Schriften, Goettingen, 1876, and G. Erler: Dietr. von Nieheim, sein Leben u. s. Schriften, Leipzig, 1887. Adam of Usk: Chronicon, 1377-1421, 2d ed. by E. M. Thompson, with Engl. trans., London, 1904. Martin de Alpartils: Chronica actitatorum temporibus Domini Benedicti XIII. ed. Fr. Ehrle, S. J., vol. I., Paderborn, 1906. Wyclif's writings, Lives of Boniface IX. and Innocent VII. in Muratori, III. 2, pp. 830 sqq., 968 sq. P. Dupuy: Hist. du schisme 1378-1420, Paris, 1654. P. L. Maimbourg (Jesuit): Hist. du grand schisme d' Occident, Paris, 1678. Ehrle: Neue Materialien zur Gesch. Peters von Luna (Benedict XIII.), in Archiv fuer Lit. und Kirchengesch., VI. 139 sqq., VII. 1 sqq. L. Gayet: Le Grand schisme d'Occident, 2 vols., Florence and Berlin, 1889. C. Locke: Age of the Great Western Schism, New York, 1896. Paul Van Dyke: Age of the Renascence an Outline of the Hist. of the Papacy, 1377-1527, New York, 1897. L. Salembier: Le grand schisme d' Occident, Paris, 1900, 3d ed., 1907. Engl. trans., London, 1907. N. Valois: La France et le grand schisme d'Occident, 4 vols., Paris, 1896-1901. E. Goeller: Koenig Sigismund's Kirchenpolitik vom Tode Bonifaz IX. bis zur Berufung d. Konstanzer Concils, Freiburg, 1902. M. Jansen: Papst Bonifatius IX. u. s. Beziehungen zur deutschen Kirche, Freiburg, 1904. H. Bruce: The Age of Schism, New York, 1907. E. J. Kitts: In the Days of the Councils. A Sketch of the Life and Times of Baldassare Cossa, John XXIII., London, 1908. Hefele-Knoepfler: Conciliengesch., VI. 727-936. Hergenroether-Kirsch, II. 807-833. Gregorovius, VI. 494-611. Pastor, I. 115-175. Creighton, I. 66-200.

For 15, 16. The Councils of Pisa and Constance. Mansi: Concilia, XXVI., XXVII. Labbaeus: Concilia, XI., XII. 1-259. Hermann van der Hardt, Prof. of Hebrew and librarian at Helmstaedt, d. 1746: Magnum oecumenicum Constantiense Concilium de universali ecclesiae reformatione, unione et fide, 6 vols., Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1696-1700. A monumental work, noted alike as a mine of historical materials and for its total lack of order in their arrangement. In addition to the acts and history of the Council of Constance, it gives many valuable contemporary documents, e.g. the De corrupto statu eccles., also entitled De ruina eccles., of Nicolas Of Clamanges; the De modis uniendi et reformandi eceles. in concilio universali; De difficultate reformationis;and Monita de necessitate reformationis Eccles. in capite et membris, all probably by Nieheim; and a Hist. of the Council, by Dietrich Vrie, an Augustinian, finished at Constance, 1417. These are all in vol. I. Vol. II. contains Henry of Langenstein's Consilium pacis: De unione ac reformatione ecclesiae, pp. 1-60; a Hist. of the c. of Pisa, pp. 61-156; Niehelm's Invectiva in di, ffugientem Johannem XXIII. and de vita Johan. XXIII. usque ad fugam et carcerem ejus, pp. 296-459, etc. The vols. are enriched with valuable illustrations. Volume V. contains a stately array of pictures of the seals and escutcheons of the princes and prelates attending the council in person or by proxy, and the fourteen universities represented. The work also contains biogg. of D'Ailly, Gerson, Zarabella, etc. Langenstein's Consilium pacis is also given in Du Pin's ed. of Gerson's Works, ed. 1728, vol. II. 809-839. The tracts De difficultate reformationis and Monita de necessitate, etc., are also found in Da Pin, II. 867-875, 885-902, and ascribed to Peter D'Ailly. The tracts De reformatione and De eccles., concil. generalis, romani pontificis et cardinalium auctoritate, also ascribed to D'Ailly in Du Pin, II. 903-915, 925-960. Ulrich von Richental: Das Concilium so ze Costenz gehalten worden, ed. by M. R. Buck, Tuebingen, 1882. Also Marmion: Gesch. d. Conc. von Konstanz nach Ul. von Richental, Constance, 1860. Richental, a resident of Constance, wrote from his own personal observation a quaint and highly interesting narrative. First publ., Augsburg, 1483. The MS. may still be seen in Constance. *H. Finke: Forschungen u. Quellen zur Gesch. des Konst. Konzils, Paderborn, 1889. Contains the valuable diary of Card. Fillastre, etc. *Finke: Actae conc. Constanciensis, 1410-1414, Muenster, 1906. J. L'enfant (Huguenot refugee in Berlin, d. 1728): Hist. du conc. de Constance, Amsterdam, 1714; also Hist. du conc. de Pisa, Amsterdam, 1724, Engl. trans., 2 vols., London, 1780. B. Huebler Die Konstanzer Reformation u. d. Konkordate von 1418, Leipzig, 1867. U. Lenz: Drei Traktate aus d. Schriftencyclus d. Konst. Konzils, Marburg, 1876. Discusses the authorship of the tracts De modis, De necessitate, and De difficultate, ascribing them to Nieheim. B. Bess: Studien zur Gesch. d. Konst. Konzils, Marburg, 1891. J. H. Wylie: The Counc. of Const. to the Death of J. Hus, London, 1900. *J. B. Schwab: J. Gerson, Wuerzburg, 1868. *P. Tschackert: Peter von Ailli, Gotha, 1877. Doellinger-Friedrick: D. Papstthum, new ed., Munich, 1892, pp. 154-l64. F. X. Funk: Martin V. und d. Konzil von Konstanz in Abhandlungen u. Untersuchungen, 2 vols., Paderborn, 1897, I. 489-498. The works cited in 1, especially, Creighton, I. 200-420, Hefele, VI. 992-1043, VII. 1-375, Pastor, I. 188-279, Valois, IV., Salembier, 250 sqq.; Eine Invektive gegen Gregor xii., Nov. 1, 1408, in Ztschr. f. Kirchengesch., 1907, p. 188 sq.

For17. The Council Of Basel. Lives of Martin V. and Eugenius IV. in Mansi: XXVIII. 975 sqq., 1171 sqq.; in Muratori: Ital. Scripp., and Platina: Hist. of the Popes, Engl. trans., II. 200-235. Mansi, XXIX.-XXXI.; Labbaeus, XII. 454 XIII. 1280. For C. of Siena, MANSI: XXVIII. 1058-1082. Monum. concil. general. saec. XV., ed. by Palacky, 3 vols., Vienna, 1857-1896. Contains an account of C. of Siena by John Stojkoric of Ragusa, a delegate from the Univ. of Paris. John de Segovia: Hist. gest. gener. Basil. conc., new ed., Vienna, 1873. Segovia, a spaniard, was a prominent figure in the Basel Council and one of Felix V.'s cardinals. For his writings, see Haller's Introd. Concil. Basiliense. Studien und Quellen zur Gesch. d. Concils von Basel, with Introd. ed. by T. Haller, 4 vols., Basel, 1896-1903. Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini: Commentarii de gestis concil. Basil., written 1440 to justify Felix's election, ed. by Fea, Rome, 1823; also Hist. Frederici III., trans. by T. Ilgen, 2 vols., Leipzig. No date. Aeneas, afterward Pius II., did not say and think the same thing at all times, says Haller, Introd., p. 12. See Voigt: Enea Sylvio de' Piccolomini, etc., 3 vols., Berlin, 1856-1863. Infessura: Diario della cittá di Roma, Rome, 1890, PP. 22-42. F. P. Abert: Eugenius IV., Mainz, 1884. Wattenbach: Roem Papstthum, pp. 271-284. Hefele-Knoepfler, VII. 375-849. Doellinger-Friedrich: Papstthum, 160 sqq. Creighton, II. 3-273. Pastor, I. 209 306. Gregorovius, VI.-VII. M. G. Perouse: Louis Aleman et la fin du grand schisme, Paris, 1805. A detailed account of the C. of Basel.

For 18. The Ferrara-Florence Council. Abram Of Crete: Historia, in Latin trans., Rome, 1521; the Greek original by order of Gregory XIII., Rome, 1577; new Latin trans., Rome, 1612. Sylv. Syropulos: Vera Hist. unionis non verae inter Graecos et Latinos, ed. by Creyghton, Haag, 1660. Mansi, XXXI., contains the documents collected by Mansi himself, and also the Acts published by Horatius Justinian, XXXI. 1355-1711, from a Vatican MS., 1638. The Greek and Latin texts are printed side by side. Labbaeus and Harduin also give Justinian's Acts and their own collections. T. Frommann: Krit. Beitraege zur Gesch. d. florentinischen Kircheneinigung, Hale, 1872. Knoepfler, art. Ferrara-Florenz, in Wetzer-Welte: IV. 1363-1380. Tschackert, art. Ferrara-Florenz, in Herzog, VI. 46 48. Doellinger-Friedrich: Papstthum, pp. 166-171.