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19. Literature.

For 20. Ockam and the Decay of Scholasticism. No complete ed. of Ockam's works exists. The fullest lists are given by Riezler, see below, Little: Grey Friars of Oxford, pp. 226-234, and Potthast: II. 871-873. Goldast's Monarchia, II. 313-1296, contains a number of his works, e.g. opus nonaginta dierum, Compendium errorum Johannis XXII., De utili dominio rerum Eccles. et abdicatione bonorum temporalium, Super potestatem summi pontificis, Quaestionum octo decisiones, Dial. de potestate papali et imperiali in tres partes distinctus, (1) de haereticis, (2) de erroribus Joh. XXII., (3) de potestate papae, conciliorum et imperatoris (first publ. 2 vols., Paris, 1476). Other works: Expositio aurea super totam artem veterem, a com. on Porphyry's Isagoge, and Aristotle's Elenchus, Bologna, 1496. Summa logices, Paris, 1488. Super I V. Iibros sententiarum, Lyons, 1483. De sacramento altaris, Strassburg, 1491. De praedestinatione et futuris contingentibus, Bologna, 1496. Quodlibeta septem, Paris, 1487. Riezler: D. antipaepstlichen und publizistischen Schriften Occams in his Die literar. Widersacher, etc., 241-277. Haureau: La philos. scolastique. Werner: Die Scholastik des spaeteren M. A., II., Vienna, 1883, and Der hl. Thos. von Aquino, III. Stoeckl: Die Philos. des M. A., II. 986-1021, and art. Nominalismus in Wetzer-Welte, IX. Baur: Die christl. Kirche d. M. A., p. 377 sqq. Mueller: Der Kampf Ludwigs des Baiern. R. L. Poole in Dict. of Natl. Biog., XLI. 357-362. R. Seeberg in Herzog, XIV. 260-280. A. Dorner; D. Verhaetniss von Kirche und Staat nach Occam in Studien und Kritiken, 1886, pp. 672-722. F. Kropatscheck: Occam und Luther in Beitr. zur Foerderung christl. Theol., Guetersloh, 1900. Art. Nominalismus, by Stoeckl in Wetzer-Welte, IX. 423-427.

For 21. Catherine of Siena. Her writings. Epistole ed orazioni della seraphica vergine s. Catterina da Siena, Venice, 1600, etc. Best ed. 6 vols., Siena, 1707-1726. Engl. trans. of the Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Cath. of Siena, by Algar Thorold, London, 1896. Her Letters, ed. by N. Tommaseo: Le lettere di S. Caterina da Siena, 4 vols., Florence, 1860. *Eng. trans. by Vida D. Scudder: St. Cath. of Siena as seen in her Letters, London, 1906, 2d ed., 1906. Her biography is based upon the Life written by her confessor, Raymundo de Vineis sive de Capua, d. 1399: vita s. Cath. Senensis, included in the Siena ed. of her works and in the Acta Sanctt. III. 863-969. Ital. trans. by Catherine's secretary, Neri De Landoccio, Fr. trans. by E. Cartier, Paris, 1863, 4th ed., 1877. An abbreviation of Raymund's work, with annotations, Leggenda della Cat. da Siena, usually called La Leggenda minore, by Tommaso d'antonio Nacci Caffarini, 1414. K. Hase: Caterina von Siena, Ein Heiligenbild, Leipzig, 1804, new ed., 1892. J. E. Butler: Cath. of Siena, London, 1878, 4th ed., 1895. Augusta T. Drane, Engl. Dominican: The Hist. of Cath. of Siena, compiled from the Orig. sources, London, 1880, 3d ed., 1900, with a trans. of the Dialogue. St. Catherine of Siena and her Times, by the author of Mademoiselle Mori (Margaret D. Roberts), New York, 1906, pays little attention to the miraculous element, and presents a full picture of Catherine's age. *E. G. Gardner: St. Catherine of Siena: A Study in the Religion, Literature, and History of the fourteenth century in Italy, London, 1907.

For 22. Peter d'ailly. Paul Tschackert: Peter von Ailli. Zur Gesch. des grossen abendlaendischen Schismas und der Reformconcilien von Pisa und Constanz, Gotha, 1877, and Art. in Herzog, I. 274-280. Salembier: Petrus de Alliaco, Lille, 1886. Lenz: Drei Traktate aus d. Schriftencyclus d. Konst. Konz., Marburg, 1876. Bess: Zur Gesch. des Konst. Konzils, Marburg, 1891. Finke: Forschungen und Quellen, etc., pp. 103-132. For a list of D'Ailly's writings, See Tschackert, pp. 348-365. Some of them are given in Van der Hardt and in Du Pin's ed. of Gerson's Works, I. 489-804, and the De difficultate reform. eccles., and the De necessitate reform. eccles., II. 867-903.

For 23. John Gerson. Works. Best ed. by L. E. Du Pin, Prof. of Theol. in Paris, 5 vols., Antwerp, 1706; 2d ed., Hague Com., 1728. The 2d ed. has been consulted in this work and is pronounced by Schwab indispensable. It contains the materials of Gerson's life and the contents of his works in an introductory essay, Gersoniana, I. i-cxlv, and also writings by D'ailly, Langenstein, Aleman and other contemporaries. A number of Gerson's works are given in Goldast's Monarchia and Van der Hardt. A Vita Gersonis is given in Hardt's Conc. Const., IV. 26-57. Chartul. Univ. Paris., III., IV., under John Arnaud and Gerson. J. B. Schwab: Johannes Gerson, Prof. der Theologie und Kanzler der Universitaet Paris, Wuerzburg, 1858, an exhaustive work, giving also a history of the times, one of the most thorough of biographies and to be compared with Hurter's Innocent III. A. Masson: J. Gerson, sa vie, son temps et ses oeuvres, Lyons, 1894. A. Lambon: J. Gerson, sa reforme de l'enseigement Theol. et de l'education populaire, Paris, 1888. Bess: Zur Gesch. d. Konstanz. Konzils; art. Gerson in Herzog, VI. 612-617. Lafontaine: Jehas Gerson, 1363-1429, Paris, 1906, pp. 340. J. Schwane: Dogmengesch. Werner: D. Scholastik d. spaeteren M. A., IV., V.

For 24. Nicolas of Clamanges. Works, ed. by J. M. Lydius, 2 vols., Leyden, 1013, with Life. The De ruina ecclesiae, with a Life, in Van der Hardt: Conc. Constan., vol. I., pt. l II. Writings not in Lydius are given by Bulaeus in Hist. univ. Paris. Baluzius: Miscellanea, and D'Achery: Spicilegium. Life in Du Pin's Works of Gerson, I., p. xxxix sq. A. Muentz: Nic. de Clem., sa vie et ses ecrits, Strassburg, 1846. J. Schwab: J. Gerson, pp. 493-497. Artt. by Bess in Herzog, IV. 138-147, and by Knoepfsler in Wetzer-Welte, IX. 298-306. G. Schubert: Nic. von Clem. als Verfasser der Schrift de corrupto ecclesiae statu, Grossenhain, 1888.

For 25. Nicolas of Cusa. Edd. of his Works, 1476 (place not given), as ed. by Faber Stapulensis, 3 vols., 1514, Basel. German trans. of a number of the works by F. A. Schrapff, Freiburg, 1862. Schrapff: Der Cardinal und Bischof Nic. von Cusa Mainz, 1843; Nic. von Cusa als Reformator in Kirche, Reich und Philosophie des 15ten Jahrh., Tuebingen, 1871. J. M. Duex: Der deutsche Card. Nic. von Cusa und die Kirche seiner Zeit, 2 vols., Regensburg, 1847. J. Uebinger: D. Gotteslehre des Nic. von Cusa, Muenster, 1888. J. Marx: Nik. von Cues und seine Stiftungen au Cues und Deventer, Treves, 1906, pp. 115. C. Schmitt: Card. Nic. Cusanus, Coblenz, 1907. Presents him as astronomer, geographer, mathematician, historian, homilete, orator, philosopher, and theologian. Stoeckl, III. 23-84. Schwane, pp. 98-102. Art. by Funk in Wetzer-Welte, IX. 306-315.