27. Sources and Literature. | ||||
General Works. *Franz Pfeiffer: Deutsche Mystiker, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1857, 2d ed of vol. I., Goettingen, 1906. *R. Langenberg: Quellen und Forschungen zur Gesch. der deutschen Mystik, Bonn, 1902. F. Galle: Geistliche Stimmen aus dem M. A., zur Erbauung, Halle, 1841. Mrs. F. Bevan: Three Friends of God, Trees planted by the River, London. *W. R. Inge: Light, Life and Love, London, 1904. Selections from Eckart, Tauler, Suso, Ruysbroeck, etc. The works given under Eckart, etc., in the succeeding sections. R. A. Vaughan: Hours with the Mystics. For a long time the chief English authority, offensive by the dialogue style it pursues, and now superseded. W. Preger: Gesch. der deutschen Mystik im Mittelalter, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1874-1893. G. Ullmann: Reformatoren vor der Reformation, vol. II., Hamburg, 1841. *Inge: Christian Mysticism. pp. 148 sqq., London, 1899. Eleanor C. Gregory: An Introd. to Christ. Mysticism, London, 1901. W. R. Nicoll: The Garden of Nuts, London, 1905. The first four chapp. give a general treatment of mysticism. P. Mehlhorn: D. Bluethezeit d. deutschen Mystik, Freiburg, 1907, pp. 64. *S. M. Deutsch: Mystische Theol. in Herzog, XIX. 631 sqq. Cruel: Gesch. d. deutschen Predigt im M. A., pp. 370-414. A. Ritschl: Gesch. d. Pietismus, 3 vols., Bonn, 1880-1886. Harnack: Dogmengesch., III. 376 sqq. Loofs: Dogmengesch., 4th ed., Halle, 1906, pp. 621-633. W. James: The Varieties of Relig. Experience, chs. XVI., XVII. | ||||
For 29. Meister Eckart. German Sermons bound in a vol. with Tauler's Sermons, Leipzig, 1498, Basel, 1521. Pfeiffer: Deutsche Mystiker, etc., vol. II., gives 110 German sermons, 18 tracts, and 60 fragments. *Denifle: M. Eckehart's Lateinische Schriften und die Grundanschauung seiner Lehre, in Archiv fuer Lit. und Kirchengesch., II. 416-652. Gives excerpts from his Latin writings. F. Jostes: M. Eckehart und seine Juenger, ungedruckte Texte zur Gesch. der deutschen Mystik, Freiburg, 1895. *H. Buettner: M. Eckehart's Schriften und Predigten aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen uebersetzt, Leipzig, 1903. Gives 18 German sermons and writings. G. Landauer: Eckhart's mystische Schriften in unsere Sprache uebertragen, Berlin, 1903. H. Martensen: M. Eckart, Hamburg, 1842. A. Lasson: M. E. der Mystiker, Berlin, 1868. Also the section on Eckart by Lasson in Ueberweg's Hist. of Phil. A. Jundt: Essai sur le mysticisme speculatif d. M. E., Strassburg, 1871; also Hist. du patheisme populaire au moyen ge, 1876. Gives 18 of Eckart's sermons. Preger, I. 309-458. H. Delacroix: Le mysticisme speculatif en Allemagne au 14e Si cle, Paris, 1900. Deutsch's art. Eckart in Herzog, V. 142-154. Denifle: Die Heimath M. Eckehart's in Archiv fuer Lit. und K. Gesch. des M. A., V. 349-364, 1889. Stoeckl: Gesch. der Phil., etc., III. 1095-1120. Pfleiderer: Religionsphilosophie, Berlin, 2d ed., 1883, p. 3 sqq. INGE. L. Ziegler: D. Phil. und relig. Bedeutung d. M. Eckehart in Preuss. Jahrbuecher, Heft 3, 1904. See a trans. of Eckart's sermon on John 6:44, by D. S. Schaff, in Homiletic Rev., 1902, pp. 428-431 | ||||
Note. Eckart's German sermons and tracts, published in 1498 and 1521, were his only writings known to exist till Pfeiffer's ed., 1867. Denifle was the first to discover Eckart's Latin writings, in the convent of Erfurt, 1880, and at Cusa on the Mosel, 1886. These are fragments on Genesis, Exodus, Ecclesiastes and the Book of Wisdom. John Trithemius, in his De Scripp. Eccles., 1492, gives a list of Eckart's writings which indicates a literary activity extending beyond the works we possess. The list catalogues four books on the Sentences, commentaries on Genesis, Exodus, the Canticles, the Book of Wisdom, St. John, on the Lord's Prayer, etc. | ||||
For 30. John Tauler. Tauler's Works, Leipzig, 1498 (84 sermons printed from MSS. in Strassburg); Augsburg, 1508; Basel, 1521 (42 new sermons) and 1522; Halberstadt, 1523; Cologne, 1543 (150 sermons, 23 being publ. for the first time, and found in St. Gertrude's convent, Cologne); Frankfurt, 1565; Hamburg, 1621; Frankfurt, 3 vols., 1826 (the edition used by Miss Winkworth); ed. by J. Hamberger, 1864, 2d ed., Prag, 1872. The best. Hamberger substituted modern German in the text and used a Strassburg MS. which was destroyed by fire at the siege of the city in 1870; ed. by Kuntze und Biesenthal containing the Introdd. of Arndt and Spener, Berlin, 1842. *Engl. trans., Susanna Winkworth: The History and Life of Rev. John Tauler with 25 Sermons, with Prefaces by Canon Kingsley and Roswell D. Hitchcock, New York, 1858. *The Inner Way, 36 Sermons for Festivals, by John Tauler, trans. with Introd. by A. W. Huttons London, 1905. C. Schmidt: J. Tauler von Strassburg, Hamburg, 1841, and Nicolas von Basel, Bericht von der Bekehrung Taulers, Strassburg, 1875. Denifle: D. Buch von geistlicher Armuth, etc., Munich, 1877, and Tauler's Bekehrung, Muenster, 1879. A Jundt: Les amis de Dieu au 14e Si cle, Paris, 1879. Preger, III. 1-244. F. Cohrs: Art. Tauler in Herzog, XIX. 451-459. | ||||
Note. Certain writings once ascribed to Tauler, and printed with his works, are now regarded as spurious. They are (1) The Book of Spiritual Poverty, ed. by Denifle, Munich, 1877, and previously under the title Imitation of Christ's Life of Poverty, by D. Sudermann, Frankfurt, 1621, etc. Denifle pointed out the discord between its teachings and the teachings of Tauler's sermons. (2) Medulla animae, consisting of 77 chapters. Preger decides some of them to be genuine. (3) Certain hymns, including Es kommt ein Schiff geladen, which even Preger pronounces spurious, III. 86. They are publ. by Wackernagel. | ||||
For 31. Henry Suso, Ed. of his works, Augsburg, 1482, and 1512. *M. Diepenbrock: H. Suso's, genannt Amandus, Leben und Schriften, Regensburg, 1829, 4th ed., 1884, with Preface by J. Goerres. H. Seuse Denifle: D. deutschen Schriften des seligen H. Seuse, Munich, 1880. *H. Seuse: Deutsche Schriften, ed. K. Bihlmeyer, Stuttgart, 1907. The first complete edition, and based upon an examination of many MSS. A Latin trans. of Suso's works by L. Surius, Cologne, 1555. French trans. by Thirot: Ouvages mystiques du bienheureux H. Suso, 2 vols., Paris, 1899. Engl. extracts in Light, Life and Love, pp. 66-100. Preger: D. Briefe H. Suso's nach einer Handschrift d. XV. Jahrh., Leipzig, 1867. C. Schmidt: Der Mystiker, H. Suso in Stud. und Kritiken, 1843, pp. 835 sqq. Preger: Deutsche Mystik, II. 309-419. L. Kaercher: H. Suso aus d. Predigerorden, in Freiburger Dioecesenarchiv, 1868, p. 187 sqq. Cruel: Gesch. d. deutschen Predigt, 396 sqq. Art. in Wetzer- Welte, H. Seuse, V. 1721-1729. | ||||
For 32. The Friends of God. The works of Eckart, Tauler, Suso, Ruysbroeck. Jundt: Les Amis de Dieu, Paris, 1879. Kessel: Art. Gottesfreunde in Wetzer-Welte, V. 893-900. The writings of Rulman Merswin: Von den vier Jahren seines anfahenden Lebens, ed. by Schmidt, in Reuss and Cinitz, Beitraege zu den Theol. Wissenschaften, V., Jena, 1854. His Bannerbuechlein given in Jundt's Les Amis. Das Buch von den neun Felsen, ed. from the original MS. by C. Schmidt, Leipzig, 1859, and in abbreviated form by Preger, III. 337-407, and Diepenbrock: Heinrich Suso, pp. 505-572. P. Strauch: Art. Rulman Merswin in Herzog, XVII. 20-27. For the Friend of God of the Oberland and his writings. K. Schmidt: Nicolas von Basel: Leben und ausgewaehlte Schriften, Vienna, 1866, and Nic. von Basel, Bericht von der Bekehrung Taulers, Strassburg, 1876. F. Lauchert: Des Gottesfreundes im Oberland Buch von den zwei Mannen, Bonn, 1896. C. Schmidt: Nic. von Basel und die Gottesfreunde, Basel, 1856. Denifle: Der Gottesfreund im Oberland und Nic. von Basel. Eine krit. Studie, Munich, 1875. Jundt: Rulman Merswin et l'Ami de Dieu de l'Oberland, Paris, 1890. Preger, III. 290-337. K. Rieder: Der Gottesfreund vom Oberland. Eine Erfindung des Strassburger Johanniterbruders Nicolaus von Loewen, Innsbruck, 1905. | ||||
For 33. John Of Ruysbroeck. Vier Schriften, ed. by Arnswaldt, with Introd. by Ullmann, Hanover, 1848. Superseded by J. B. David (Prof. in Louvaine), 6 vols., Ghent, 1857-1868. Contains 12 writings. Lat. trans. by Surius, Cologne, 1549. *F. A. Lambert: Drei Schriften des Mystikers J. van Ruysb., Die Zierde der geistl. Hochzeit, Vom glanzenden Stein and Das Buch uon der hoechsten Wahrheit, Leipzig. No date; about 1906. Selections from Ruysbroeck in Light, Life and Love, pp. 100-196. *J. G. V. Engelhardt: Rich. von St. Victor u. J. Ruysbroeck, Erlangen, 1838. Ullmann: Reformatoren, etc., II. 35 sqq. W. L. de Vreese: Bijdrage tot de kennis van het leven en de werken van J. van Ruusbroec, Ghent, 1896. *M. Maeterlinck: Ruysbr. and the Mystics, with Selections from Ruysb., London, 1894. A trans. by Jane T. Stoddart of Maeterlinck's essay prefixed to his L'Ornement des noces spirituelles de Ruysb., trans. by him from the Flemish, Brussels, 1891. Art. Ruysbroeck in Herzog, XVII. 267-273, by Van Veen. | ||||
For 34. Gerrit de Groote and the Brothers of the Common Life. Lives of Groote, Florentius and their pupils, by Thomas À Kempis: Opera omnia, ed, by Sommalius, Antwerp, 1601, 3 vols., Cologne, 1759, etc., and in unpubl. MSS. J. Busch, d. 1479: Liber de viris illustribus, a collection of 24 biographies of Windesheim brethren, Antwerp, 1621; also Chronicon Windeshemense, Antwerp, 1621, both ed. by Grube, Halle, 1886. G. H. M. Delprat Verhandeling over de broederschap van Geert Groote en over den involoed der fraterhuizen, Arnheim, etc., 1856. J. G. R. Acquoy (Prof. in Leyden): Gerhardi Magni epistolae XIV., Antwerp, 1857. G. Bonet-Maury:: Gerhard de Groot d'apr s des documents onedites. Paris 1878. *G. Kettlewell: Thomas Kempis and the Brothers of the Common Life, 2 vols, New York, 1882. *K. Grube: Johannes Busch, Augustinerpropst in Hildesheim. Ein kathol. Reformator in 15ten Jahrh., Freiburg, 1881. Also G. Groote und seine Stiftungen, Cologne, 1883. R. Langenberg: Quellen and Forschungen, etc., Bonn, 1902. Boerner: Die Annalen und Akten der Brueder des Gemainsamen Lebens im Lichtenhofe zu Hildesheim, eine Grundlage der Gesch. d. deutschen Bruederhaeuser und ein Beitrag zur Vorgesch. der Reformation, Fuerstenwalde, 1905. The artt. by K. Hirsche in Herzog, 2d ed., II. 678-760 and L. Schulze, Herzog, 3rd ed., III., 474-507, and P. A. Thijm in Wetzer-Welte, V. 1286-1289. Ullmann: Reformatoren, II. 1-201. Lea: Inquisition, II. 360 sqq. Uhlhorn: Christl. Liebesthaetigkeit im M. A., Stuttgart, 1884, pp. 350-375. | ||||
Note. A few of the short writings of Groote were preserved by Thomas Kempis. To the sermons edited by Acquoy, Langenberg, pp. 3-33, has added Groote's tract on simony, which he found in the convent of Frenswegen, near Nordhorn. He has also found Groote's Latin writings. The tract on simony de simonia ad Beguttas is addressed to the Beguines in answer to the question propounded to him by some of their number as to whether it was simony to purchase a place in a Beguine convent. The author says that simony prevails very much every where, and that it was not punished by the Church. He declares it to be simony to purchase a place which involves spiritual exercises, and he goes on to apply the principle to civil offices pronouncing it simony when they are bought for money. The work is written in Low German, heavy in style, but interesting for the light it throws on practices current at that time. | ||||
For 35. The Imitation of Christ. Edd. of À Kempis' works, Utrecht, 1473 (15 writings, and omitting the Imitation of Christ); Nuermberg, 1494 (20 writings), ed. by J. Badius, 1520, 1521, 1528; Paris, 1549; Antwerp, 1574; Dillingen, 1676; ed. by H. Sommalius, 3 vols., Antwerp, 1599, 3d ed. 1615; ed. by M. J. Pohl, 8 vols. promised; thus far 5 vols, Freiburg im Br., 1903 sqq. Best and only complete ed. Thomas Kempis hymns in Blume and Dreves: Analecta hymnica, XLVIII. pp. 475-514. For biograph. and critical accounts. Joh. Busch: Chron. Windesemense. H. Rosweyde: Chron. Mt. S. Agnetis, Antwerp, 1615, and cum Rosweydii vindiciis Kempensibus, 1622. J. B. Malou: Recherches historiq. et critiq. sur le veritable auteur du livre de l'Imitat. de Jesus Chr., Tournay, 1848; 3d ed., Paris 1856. *K. Hirsche: Prologomena zu einer neuen Ausgabe de imitat. Chr. (with a copy of the Latin text of the MS. dated 1441), 1873, 1883, 1894. C. Wolfsgruber: Giovanni Gersen sein Leben und sein Werk de Imitat. Chr., Augsburg, 1880. *S. Kettlewell: Th. Kempis and the Brothers of the Common Life, 2 vols., London, 1882. Also Authorship of the de imitat, Chr., London, 1877, 2d ed., 1884. F. R. Cruise: Th. Kempis, with Notes of a visit to the scenes in which his life was spent, with some account of the examination of his relics, London, 1887. L. A. Wheatley: Story of the Imitat. of Chr., London, 1891. Dom Vincent Scully: Life of the Venerable Th. Kempis, London, 1901. J. E. G. de Montmorency: Th. Kempis, His Age and Book, London, 1906 *C. Bigg in Wayside Sketches in Eccle. Hist., London, 1906, pp. 134-154. D. B. Butler, Thos. Kempis, a Rel. Study, London, 1908. Art. Thos. Kempis in London Quarterly Review, April, 1908, pp. 254-263. | ||||
First printed ed. of the Latin text of the Imitat. of Christ, Augsburg, 1472. Bound up with Jerome's de viris illust. and writings of Augustine and Th. Aquinas. Of the many edd. in Engl. the first was by W. Atkynson, and Margaret, mother of Henry VII., London, 1502, reprinted London, 1828, new ed. by J. K. Ingram, London, 1893. The Imitat. of Chr., being the autograph MS. of Th. Kempis de Imitat. Chr. reproduced in facsimile from the orig. in the royal libr. at Brussels. With Introd. by C. Ruelens, London, 1879. The Imitat. of Chr. Now for the first time set forth in Rhythm and Sentences. With Pref. by Canon Liddon, London, 1889. Facsimile Reproduction of the 1st ed. of 1471, with Hist. Introd. by C. Knox-Little, London, 1894. The Imitat. of Chr., trans. by Canon W. Benham, with 12 photogravures after celebrated paintings, London, 1905. An ed. issued 1881 contains a Pref. by Dean Farrar. R. P. A. de Backer: Essai bibliograph. sur le livre de imitat. Chr., LiEge, 1864. For further Lit. on the Imitat. of Chr., see the Note at the end of 35. | ||||