57. Literature. | ||||
For 58. For the Brethren of the Free Spirit, Fredericq: Corpus doc. haer. pravitalis, etc., vols. I-III. Haupt, art. in Herzog, III. 467-473, Brueder des Freien Geistes. See lit., vol. V., I. p. 459. For the Fraticelli F. Ehrle: Die Spiritualen. Ihr Verhaetniss zum Francis-kanerorden u. zu d. Fraticellen in Archiv f. K. u. Lit. geschichte, 1885, pp. 1509-1570; 1886, pp. 106-164; 1887, pp. 553-623. Doellinger: Sektengesch., II. Lea: Inquisition, III. 129 sqq., 164-175. Wetzer-Welte, IV, 1926-1985. For the Waldenses, see lit., vol. V., I. p. 459. Also, W. Preger: Der Traktat des Dav. von Augsburg fiber die Waldenser, Munich, 1878. Hansen: Quellen, etc., Bonn, 1901, 149-181, etc. See full title below. For the Flagellants, see lit., vol. V., I. p. 876. Also Paul Runge: D. Lieder u. Melodien d. Geissler d. Jahres 1349, nach. d. Aufzeichnung Hugo's von Reutlingen nebst einer Abhandlung ueber d. ital. Geisslerlieder von H. Schneegans u. einem Beitrage ueber d. deutschen u. niederl. Geissler von H. Pfannenschmid, Leipzig, 1900. | ||||
59. Witchcraft. For the treatments of the Schoolmen and other med. writers, see vol. V., I. p. 878. Among earlier modem writers, see J. Bodin: Magorum Daemonomania, 1579. Reg. Scott: Discovery of Witchcraft, London, 1584. P. Binsfeld: De confessionibus maleficarum et sagarum, Treves, 1596. M. Delrio: Disquisitiones magicae, Antwerp, 1599, Cologne, 1679. Erastus, of Heidelberg: Repititio disputationis de lamiis seu strigibus, Basel, 1578. J. Glanvill: Sadducismus triumphatus, London, 1681. R. Baxter: Certainty of the World of Spirits, London, 1691. Recent writers. * T. Wright: Narrative of Sorcery and Magic, 2 vols., London, 1851. G. Roskoff: Gesch. des Teufels, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1869. W. G. Soldan: Gesch. der Hexenprocesse, Stuttgart, 1843; new ed., by Heppe, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1880. Lea: History of the Inquisition, III. 379-550. *Lecky: History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, ch. I. Doellinger-Friedrich: D. Papstthum, pp. 123-131. a.d. White, History of the Warfare of Science and Theology in Christendom, 2 vols., New York, 1898. *J. Hansen: Zauberwahn, Inquisition und Hezenprocess im Mittelalter und die Entstehung der grossen Hexenverfolgung, Munich, 1900; *Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Gesch. des Hexenwahns und der Hexenverfolgung im M. A., Leipzig, 1901. Graf von Hoensbroech: D. Papstthum in seiner sozialkulturellen Wirksamkeit, Leipzig, 2 vols., 1900; 4th ed., 1901, I. 380-599. J. Diefenbach: Der Hexenwahn, vor u. nach Glaubenspaltung in Deutschland, Mainz, 1886 (the last chapter on the conciones variae gives sermons on the weather, storms, winds, dreams, mice, etc.); also, Besessenheit, Zauberei u. Hexenfabeln, Frankfurt, 1893; also, Zauberglaube des 16ten Jahrh. nach d. Katechismen M. Luthers und d. P. Canisius, Mainz, 1900. Binz: Dr. Joh. Weyer, Bonn, 1885, 2d ed., Berlin, 1896. A biography of one of the early opponents of witch-persecution, with sketches of some of its advocates. Baissac: Les grands jours de la sorcellerie, Paris, 1890. H. Vogelstein and P. Rieger, Gesch. d. Juden in Rom, 2 vols., Berlin, 1895 sq. S. Riezler: Gesch. d. Hexenprocesse in Baiern, Stuttgart, 1896. C. Lempens: D. groesste Verbrechen aller Zeiten. Pragnatische Gesch. d. Hexenprocesse, 2d ed., 1904. Janssen-Pastor: Gesch. d. deutschen Volkes, etc., vol. VIII., 531-751. The Witch-Persecutions, in Un. of Pa. Transll. and Reprints, vol. III. | ||||
60. The Spanish Inquisition. See lit., V. I. p. 460 sqq. Hefele: D. Cardinal Ximines und d. Kirchl. Zustaende in Spanien am Ende d. 15 u. Anfang d. 16. Jahrh., Tuebingen, 1844, 2d ed., 1851. Also, art. Ximines in Wetzer-Welte, vol. XII. C. V. Langlois: L'inq., d'apr s les travaux recents, Paris, 1902. H. C. Lea: Hist. of the Inquisition of Spain, 4 vols., New York, 1906 sq. Includes Sicily, Sardinia, Mexico and Peru, but omits Holland. E. Vacandard: The Inquisition. A criticism and history. Study of the Coercive Power of the Church, transl. by B. L. Conway, London, 1908. C. G. Ticknor: Hist. of Spanish Literature, I. 460 sqq. Pastor: Gesch. d. Paepste, III. 624-630. | ||||
Dr. Lea's elaborate work is the leading modern treatment of the subject and is accepted as an authority In Germany. See Benrath in Lit-Zeitung, 1908, pp. 203-210. The author has brought out as never before the prominent part the confiscation of property played in the Spanish tribunal. The work of Abbe Vacandard, the author of the Life of St. Bernard, takes up the positions laid down in Dr. Lea's general work on the Inquisition and attempts to break the force of his statements. Vacandard admits the part taken by the papacy in prosecuting heresy by trial torture and even by the death penalty, but reduces the Church's responsibility on the ground of the ideas prevailing in the Middle Ages, and the greater freedom and cruelty practised by the state upon its criminals. He denies that Augustine favored severe measures of compulsion against heretics and sets forth, without modification, the unrelenting treatment of Thomas Aquinas. | ||||