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98. Literature.

I. Calvin's Institutio Christ. Religionis, the fourth book, which treats of the Church and the Sacraments. Les | ordinances | ecclesiastiques de | l' glise de Geneve. | Item | l'ordre des escoles | de la dite cite.| Gen., 1541. 92 pp. 4 ; another ed., 1562, 110 pp. Reprinted in Opera, X. fol. 15-30. (Projet d'ordinances ecclesiastiques, 1541). The same vol. contains also L'ordre du College de Geneve; Leges academicae (1559), fol. 65-90; and Les ordinances ecclesiastiques de 1561, fol. 91-124. Comp. the Prolegomena, IX. sq., and also the earliest document on the organization and worship of the Church of Geneva, 1537, fol. 5-14.

II. Dr. Georg Weber: Geschichtliche Darstellung des Calvinismus im Verhaetniss zum Staat in Genf und Frankreich bis zur Aufhebung des Edikts von Nantes, Heidelberg, 1836 (pp. 872). The first two chapters only (pp. 1-32) treat of Calvin and Geneva; the greater part of the book is a history of the French Reformation till 1685. C. B. Hundeshagen: Ueber den Einfluss des Calvinismus auf die Ideen von Staat, und staats-buergerlicher Freiheit, Bern, 1842. *Amedee Roget: L' glise et l'etat Geneve du vivant de Calvin. Etude d'histoire politico-ecclEsiastique, Geneve, 1867 (pp. 92). Comp. also his Histoire du peuple de Geneve depuis la reforme jusqu' l'escalade (1536-1602), 1870-1883, 7 vols.

III. Henry, Part II. chs. III.-VI. Comp. his small biography, pp. 165-196. Dyer, ch. III. Staehelin, bk. IV. (vol. I. 319 sqq.). Kampschulte, I. 385-480. This is the end of his work; vols. II. and III. were prevented by his premature death (Dec. 3, 1872), and intrusted to Professor Cornelius of Munich (a friend and colleague of the late Dr. Doellinger), but he has so far only published a few papers on special points, in the Transactions of the Munich Academy. See p. 230. Merle D'Aubigne, bk. XI. chs. XXII.-XXIV. (vol. VII. 73 sqq.). These are his last chapters on Calvin, coming down to February, 1542; the continuation was prevented by his death in 1872.