Author Name

a-Kempis, Thomas

Albertus Magnus, St.

Anselm of Canterbury, St.

Aquinas, Thomas, St.

Belloc, Hilaire

Bernard of Clairvaux (St. Bernard)

Bultmann, Rudolf

Calvin, John

Catherine of Siena

Damascene, John

de Caussade, Jean Pierre

De Sales, Francis, St.

Dorr, Donal

Eddy, Mary Baker

Erasmus, Desiderius

Fenelon, Francois

Flavius Josephus

Freud, Sigmund

Garrigou-Lagrange, R.

Ignatius of Loyola, St.

John of the Cross

Julian of Norwich

Maimonides, Moses

Martin Luther

Napier, B.D.

Newman, John Henry

Rhineland Mystics

Ruysbroeck, John of

Schaff, Philip

Strauss, David Friedrich

Suso, Henry

Tauler, John

The Ascent of Mount Carmel

Tillich, Paul