112. Literature on the Sacraments. | ||||
Literature: General Works: The Writings of Abaelard, Hugo of St. Victor, Peter Lombard, Alb. Magnus, Th. Aquinas, Bonaventura, Duns Scotus, and other Schoolmen. G. L. Hahn: Lehre von d. Sakramenten, Breslau, 1864. *J. Schwane: Dogmengesch. der mittleren Zeit, 787-1517, Frei b. 1882, pp. 579-693. J. H. Oswald: D. dogmatische Lehre von d. hl. Sakramenten d. kathol. Kirche, 5th ed., Munich, 1894. The Histories of Christ. Doctr. of Fisher, pp. 254-263; Harnack, II. 462-562; Loofs, pp. 298-304; Seeberg, II. 107 sqq. Hergenroether-Kirsch: Kirchengesch., II. 682-701. The works on Canon Law of Hinschius; P. Hergenroether (Rom. Cath.), pp. 667-684; Friedberg, pp. 374-495. Hefele-Knoepfler, V. VI. The art. Sakrament in Wetzer-Welte and Herzog. D. S. Schaff: The Sacramental Theory of the Med. Ch. in Princeton Rev., 1906, pp. 206-236. | ||||
On the Eucharist, 115, 116: Dalgairns: The Holy Communion, its Philos., Theol., and Practice, Dublin, 1861. F. S. Renz: D. Gesch. d. Messopfer-Begriffs, etc., 1st vol., Alterthum und Mittelalter, Munich, 1901. J. Smend: Kelchversagung und Kelchspendung in d. abendlaend. Kirche, Goetting., 1898. A. Franz: D. Messe im deutschen Mittelalter, Freib., 1902. Artt. Communion, Messe, Transubstantiation in Wetzer-Welte and Abendmahl and Kindercommunion in Herzog. | ||||
On Penance and Indulgences, 117, 118: Joan Morinus: Comment. hist. de disciplina in administratione sacr. poenitentiae, Paris, 1651. F. Beringer, S. J., transl. fr. the French by J. Schneider: D. Ablaesse, ihr Wesen und Gebrauch, 12th ed., Paderb., 1900. *K. Mueller: D. Umschwung in der Lehre von d. Busse waehrend d. 12ten Jahrhunderts, Freib., 1892. H. C. Lea: A Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary in the 13th Century, Phil., 1892; *A Hist. of Auricular Confession and Indulgences, 3 vols. Phil., 1896. * TH. Brieger: D. Wesen des Ablasses am Ausgange des Mittelalters, Leipzig., 1897. A. Kurtz: D. kathol. Lehre vom Ablass vor und nach dem Auftreten Luthers, Paderb., 1900. C. M. Roberts: Hist. of Confession until it developed into Auric. Conf. a.d. 1215, London, 1901. * W. Koehler: Dokumente zum Ablassstreit vom 1517, Tuebing., 1902. Very convenient, containing thirty-two of the most important documents on the subject and including Jacob von Juterbocks, Tract. de indulgentiis, c. 1451, and excerpts from the Coelifodina, 1502. * A. Gottlob: Kreuzablass u. Almosenablass, Stuttg., 1906. A. M. Koeninger: D. Beicht nach Caesarius von Heisterbach, Mun., 1906. Artt. Ablass, *Bussdisciplin by Funk, II. 1562-1590. and Busse, II. 1590-1614, in Wetzer-Welte and *Indulgenzen by Th. Brieger in Herzog, IX. 76-94. For other Lit. see Brieger's art. in Herzog | ||||
On Extreme Unction, etc., 119: See artt. Oelung and Ordo in Wetzer-Welte, IX. 716 sqq., 1027 sqq., and Oelung by Kattenbusch and Priesterweihe in Herzog, XIV. 304 sqq., XVI. 47 sqq. For marriage, the works on Christian Ethics. Von Eicken: Gesch. u. System der mittelalterl. Weltanschauung, pp. 437-487, Stuttg., 1887. The artt. Ehe in Herzog, V. 182 sqq. and Wetzer-Welte, IV. 142-231 (including a number of subjects pertaining to marriage). | ||||
On Grace and the Future State, 120, 121: Anselm: De conceptu virginali et originale peccato, Migne, 168. 431-467. P. Lombardus: Sent., II. 31, etc. H. Of St. Victor: De sacramentis, I. 7, Migne, 176. 287-306. Alb. Magnus: In Sent., II. 31 sqq., etc., Borgnet's ed., XXVII. Bonaventura: In Sent., II., etc.; Peltier's ed., III. Th. Aquinas: Summa, II. 71-90, III. 52 sqq.; Supplem., LXIX. sqq., Migne, IV. 1215-1459 Duns Scotus: Reportata. XXIV.-XXVI., etc. The Histories of Doctrine of Schwane, pp. 393-493, Harnack, Loofs, Seeberg. Sheldon. | ||||