By Support | Fri, 12/15/2023 - 10:00 am This collection of Lee Vayle sermons have various topics. 1958-05-30 Time Tested Faith (137.18 KB) 1963-00-00 The Negative Confession (173.12 KB) 1965-00-00 Faith and Confession - Say What God Says (431.47 KB) 1965-00-00 Encouraging Ourselves in the Lord (122.55 KB) 1965-12-26 Comments after Bro. Branham's Death (137.44 KB) 1970-00-00 The Power of the Cross - Power of Son, then Power of God (340.28 KB) 1970-00-00 The Trial of Our Faith (240.81 KB) 1972-00-00 Righteousnes and Unrighteousness (230.41 KB) 1972-02-27 True Evidence of Baptism of the Holy Ghost (316.87 KB) 1972-11-25 Twentieth Century Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (275.91 KB) 1973-09-08 Pray For Us (275.65 KB) 1977-07-17 Parousia - Saskatoon (308.03 KB) 1978-02-05 Christian's Attitude - Gruenthal Church (284.01 KB) 1982-07-21 The Way of God (258.54 KB) 1982-11-25 The Judge and the Bride (290.52 KB) 1983-09-04 The Lord's Body (372.05 KB) 1983-09-11 Son of Man - Pillar of Fire - Conduct, Order, Doctrine (Question 291) (318.44 KB) 1984-07-05 Masterpiece #01 - Michelangelo - Moses; God - Man (255.82 KB) 1985-11-30 If You Only Knew Who I Am (292.77 KB) 1985-12-04 Questions and Answers - Free Will - Predestination (129.75 KB) 1986-03-19 Questions and Answers (93.8 KB) 1986-03-29 Christ and the Cross (223.03 KB) 1986-04-04 The Omega Revelation (369.58 KB) 1986-04-13 Reminiscing (278.07 KB) 1986-05-04 Alpha & Omega (235.42 KB) 1986-05-18 The Squeeze (260.73 KB) 1986-07-05 Questions and Answers - July 4th Meeting (276.64 KB) 1986-11-29 Stewardship (175.62 KB) 1987-04-17 Good Friday Message (220.13 KB) 1987-05-10 Surrogate Mothers of the Bible (255.6 KB) 1987-06-10 Spirit and Life - Pneuma and Zoes (306.75 KB) 1987-06-21 Seed (270.92 KB) 1987-06-24 Body, Soul, Spirit and Life (234.21 KB) 1987-07-03 The Purpose Made Manifest (270.05 KB) 1987-07-08 Body, Soul, Spirit and Life (278.88 KB) 1987-07-12 The Study of Man (231.86 KB) 1987-11-26 Thanksgiving Day Message (295.99 KB) 1987-11-29 Three Basic Principles of Scripture (419.29 KB) 1988-04-02 Passover Messaage (234.02 KB) 1988-04-03 The Voice of God (262.22 KB) 1989-01-01 New Year's Message (258.9 KB) 1989-11-19 Thanksgiving #01 (221.58 KB) 1989-12-24 The Great Communicator (393.4 KB) 1990-03-03 Messiah & Messiah-ettes #01 (213.1 KB) 1990-03-04 Messiah & Messiah-ettes #02 (360.57 KB) 1990-04-13 Crucifixion (307.16 KB) 1990-04-15 Resurrection (250.08 KB) 1990-11-25 The Becoming God & The Crucified Word (447.66 KB) 1991-03-10 Rights and Rsponsibilities (298.42 KB) 1991-03-24 Blessing and Cursing (367.64 KB) 1991-06-02 The Effectual Working God (209.9 KB) 1991-07-05 They Know Better (299.84 KB) 1991-07-07 Daniel's Seventieth Week (213.67 KB) 1991-07-07 Love Principles (377.17 KB) 1991-08-18 Rightr Hand and Left Hand of God (767.38 KB) 1991-08-31 Divine Communication Principle #01 (220.47 KB) 1991-09-01 Divine Communication Principle #02 (255.49 KB) 1991-09-08 Identifying God by His Spirit (279.71 KB) 1991-09-15 This Generation (267.35 KB) 1991-09-22 Presence and Roles (266.25 KB) 1992-04-17 God Assuming Total Responsibility (250.84 KB) 1992-04-19 Life - Easter Message (263.6 KB) 1992-10-03 In The Beginning #01 (225.05 KB) 1992-10-04 In The Beginning #02 (214.27 KB) 1992-11-15 Soul and Spirit - Seed of God and of Man (363.71 KB) 1993-04-09 Suffering by Grace - Good Friday Message (273.34 KB) 1993-04-11 Resurrection Benefits - Easter Message (347.79 KB) 1993-07-18 End Time Doctrine (184.16 KB) 1993-11-06 Anointed Ones and Root of Every Evil (279.21 KB) 1994-04-03 Ressurection Message (277.51 KB) 1994-08-07 Godhead - The Role of the Son (221.61 KB) 1994-10-30 Rejected Royal Seed - Eve Should have Born that See; Thoughts on Spoken Word (225.23 KB) 1994-11-06 The Coninuing Ministry of Christ - Godhead - Fellowship (297.21 KB) 1994-12-25 Christmas Message (298.53 KB) 1995-01-29 Worship (248.41 KB) 1995-04-14 One Died for All - End Time Evangelism (275.37 KB) 1995-04-16 Resurrection Messge - This Same Jesus; Why, He's only a Man (271.68 KB) 1997-01-09 Two Spirits - Mark 16 (282.69 KB) 1997-03-29 The Omega Crucifixion (289.39 KB) 1997-03-30 Resurrection Message - Whole Purpose of Being Fulfilled (357.57 KB) 1998-09-27 Various Subjects #02 (214.32 KB) 1998-10-10 Various Subjects #03 - Godhead, and that which is relative to It (287.84 KB) 1999-02-06 Vindication (254.09 KB) 1999-02-07 Presence (287.49 KB) 1999-04-02 The Blood of the Cross (354.93 KB) 1999-04-04 The Life of the Blood of the Cross (355.89 KB) 1999-05-01 What a Man Sweth - Articles - Wealth; Feminists; Scientists Inferring One Fles - 1 Cor 6:9-7:6 (278.94 KB) 2001-03-03 The Known God #01 - Plan of God; Prelude to Answering "Who Is God"? (239.42 KB) 2001-05-05 The Known God #02 - Who Is God; Jehovah-Elohim of Old and New Is the Same One (254.92 KB) 2004-04-04 Godhead Father & Son - A Wonderfully Fitted Body (227.48 KB) 2008-03-21 The Suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ (217.46 KB) 2008-11-02 Corrections & Comments (192.94 KB) 2009-08-02 Last Day Thoughts - The Cloud; Gold Standard; Infallibile Proofs; Blood of the Everlasting Covenant (216.62 KB) Mormon Theology Printer-friendly version Book traversal links for Miscellaneous Topics ‹ Leadership Up Paradox ›